
The Collaborative AI Browser
Navigate Smarter, Explore Further

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See what Kepler can do


All your history and link data in one place.
Kepler gives you full control over your data, enabling you to search meta-data, context markers, and who you shared links.

Context Markers

Drop markers on any website you visit.
These markers can include comments or notes for your own reference or can be made visible to others that you invite to your space.

Collaborative Bookmarks

Share bookmarks for collaborative browsing.
Create collaborative bookmark folders where so you never lose a link that you share with friends or colleagues.


All your history data in one place.
Kepler gives you full control over your data, enabling you to search meta-data, context markers, and even who you shared links with.

Context Markers

Drop markers on any website you visit.
These markers enable you to add notes and comments for your own reference or can be made visible to others that you invite to your space.

Collaborative Bookmarks

Share bookmarks with groups.
Create collaborative bookmark folders where for so you never lose a link that you share with friends or colleagues.


Kepler's modular system allows you to create your own browser configuration for any purpose
Classic browsing configuration balancing navigation and web page viewing.
Two side-by-side panels for quick referencing or note taking.
Using Kepler task widget, jump to pages to complete your tasks.
Kepler's modular browser system allow you to browse the way you want to.

Our pricing

Free forever. Unlock more features through premium Kepler version.


Kepler is build for everyone. Use all of Kepler's features for free!
Modular Browser
Context Markers
AI Enabled
3 Spaces
Get Started


/user /month
For the Kepler power users. Get the most out of Kepler and advanced configs.
Everything in Free
Unlimited configs.
Unlimited history
Unlimited spaces
Get Started

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Kepler for business unlocks enterprise controls and advanced security features.
Everything in Pro
Single sign-on
Team spaces
Admin Controls
Admin Analytics
Contact Us


Kepler is build for everyone. Use all of Kepler's features for free!
Modular browser
Context Marker
AI Enabled
Limited to 3 spaces
Get Started


/user /month
For the Kepler power users. Get the most out of Kepler and advanced configs.
Everything in Free
Unlimited configs.
Unlimited history
Unlimited spaces
Get Started

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Kepler for business unlocks enterprise controls and advanced security features.
Everything in Pro
Single sign-on
Team spaces
Admin controls
Admin analytics
Contact Us


Why another browser?

The way we consume content on the internet has completely changed since the browser was first invented in 1990. Yet, the structure of a browser has remained the same. With AI changing the way we interact with the digital world and exponential increase in content, Kepler is being built for the future you.

How do I start using Kepler?

The native Kepler browser is still in development, but you start experience the power of Kepler through our plug-in. Simply install the plug-in/extension for your browser and sign-up.

Will Kepler always be free?

Kepler Browser will always have a free version. Our goal is to create browser of the future for everyone. So any features that are available in other free browsers will be free in Kepler.

What is the Kepler plug-in/extension?

The Kepler plug-in/extension is free plug-in for Chrome. Try out some of the features of Kepler without the commitment of switching to a new browser.

Is Kepler secure to use?

Kepler is built using secure development methodologies, up-to-date libraries, and enterprise class hosting providers. For more details on how Kepler keeps your data safe visit our Medium blog or Developer Updates.

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Upgrade Your Browser

Get the Kepler Lite extension and feel the difference